Sunday, June 9, 2024

Motion in one dimension - an overview

1. Position and Displacement:
Location of an object relative to a reference point.
Change in position; includes direction and magnitude.

2. Distance and Displacement:
Total path length covered by an object; scalar quantity.
 Straight-line distance from initial to final position; vector quantity.

3. Speed and Velocity:
Rate of motion; scalar quantity (distance/time).
Speed in a specific direction; vector quantity (displacement/time).

4. Average and Instantaneous Velocity:
Average Velocity:
Total displacement divided by total time.
Instantaneous Velocity:
 Velocity at a specific moment in time; determined using calculus.
5. Acceleration:
Rate of change of velocity; vector quantity (change in velocity/time).
-Uniform Acceleration:
Constant rate of change of velocity.
Non-Uniform Acceleration:
 Changing rate of change of velocity.

6. Equations of Motion (for Uniform Acceleration):
First Equation: v = u + at
Second Equation: s = ut + 1/2 at^2
Third Equation: v^2 = u^2 + 2as

7. Graphical Analysis:
-Distance-Time Graph:
 Slope represents speed; steeper slope indicates faster motion.
-Velocity-Time Graph:
Area under the curve represents displacement; slope represents acceleration.

8. Relative Motion:
Relative Velocity:
Velocity of one object as observed from another object.

9. Free Fall:
- Motion of objects falling under the influence of gravity, without air resistance.
- Acceleration due to gravity (g) is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 downward.

10. Terminologies:
- Scalar: Physical quantity with only magnitude (e.g., speed, distance).
- Vector: Physical quantity with both magnitude and direction (e.g., velocity, displacement).
- Frame of Reference: Coordinate system used to describe motion.

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